Whistleblower Line By Emaar Properties

Emaar Group is committed to promoting and maintaining a values-based organisational culture and enforces zero tolerance for all forms of fraudulent or corrupt conduct, whether effected against Emaar (from external or internal sources) or by or in the name of Emaar. A clear and consistent code of business conduct guides our strong compliance culture, ensuring that our actions align with our core values. Our anti-fraud and whistleblower policy aims to fortify the culture of ethics and integrity across the group. Accordingly, we hold our employees to a high standard of ethical conduct and expect the same of our business partners. You can assist us in managing our organisation in accordance with our commitment by reporting any potential instances of non-compliance, fraud, or unethical practices through our dedicated Whistleblower Line. We will objectively review all submissions and maintain the confidentiality of the reporting individual’s identity.