Investor Relations FAQs

  1. What is the general business of Emaar properties PJSC?

    Emaar Properties PJSC is a global property developer and provider of premium lifestyles, with a significant presence in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. Emaar has a land bank of 1.7 billion sq. ft. in the UAE and key International markets. The principal activities of the Emaar Group are property investment, development and development management, shopping malls and retail, entertainment, hospitality, property management and utility services and investments in providers of financial services.

  2. When was Emaar Properties PJSC incorporated? Where is it headquartered? When was it listed on the Dubai Financial Market?

    Emaar Properties PJSC was incorporated in 1997. It is headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) on March 26, 2000.

  3. What are the recent accomplishments of Emaar?

    Some of Emaar’s recent accomplishments include the 100% acquisition of Dubai Creek Harbour in Q4-2022, the launch of Dubai Hills Malls in February 2022 and the sale of the e-commerce platform Namshi to Noon in Q1-23. The foreign ownership limit of Emaar Properties PJSC was increased from 49% to 100% in Q4-2022.

  4. How do I contact investor relations?

    For any queries, please write to

  1. What is Emaar Properties PJSC’s ticker symbol? What is the Emaar's total number of shares?

    Ticker symbol of Emaar Properties PJSC on DFM is “EMAAR”. The total number of Emaar Properties PJSC shares is 8,838,789,849 AED 1 each.

  2. Who are the top shareholders of Emaar Properties PJSC?

    The top shareholders of Emaar Properties PJSC are the Investment Corporation of Dubai (~22.27% ownership) and DH 7 LLC (~7.45% ownership).

  3. How can I buy shares in Emaar Properties PJSC?

    Emaar Properties PJSC (EMAAR) shares can be bought or sold through a stock broker or generally through a financial institution that provides brokerage services. A list of licensed brokers and steps involved in initiating share purchase/trade is available on the Dubai Financial Market’s website at:

  4. Can foreigners buy shares in Emaar Properties PJSC? What is the foreign ownership limit?

    Yes, foreigners can buy shares of Emaar Properties PJSC. After the change in the foreign ownership limit in 2022, the foreign ownership limit is up to 100%.

  5. What is Emaar Properties PJSC’s ticker symbol? What is the Emaar's total number of shares?

    Ticker symbol of Emaar Properties PJSC on DFM is “EMAAR”. The total number of Emaar Properties PJSC shares is 8,838,789,849 AED 1 each.

  1. Where can I find financial results (latest and historical), Investor Presentations, and Annual Reports?

    Information on results, financial data and various reports can be found on Emaar’s Investor Relations webpage when you visit Emaar’s website,

  2. What is Emaar Properties PJSC fiscal year?

    Emaar Properties PJSC’s fiscal year starts on January 1 and ends on December 31, i.e. it follows the calendar year.

  3. Who is Emaar Properties PJSC’s independent auditors?


  1. How can a shareholder claim his unclaimed dividends?

    “For unclaimed dividends prior to 2015, please contact SCA at 800722823 and or For unclaimed dividends post-2015, please reach out to Dubai Financial Markets at +971- 4 305 5555 and”

  2. Where can I find out more information on dividends paid in previous years?

    Please visit Emaar’s Investor Relations webpage on Emaar’s website

  3. What is the Dividend Policy of Emaar?

    Emaar Properties PJSC has a dividend policy that is linked to the annual consolidated net profit attributable to equity holders. Please refer to the “Dividend” section on Emaar’s Investor Relations website for more details.

  1. Who are the credit rating agencies that provide ratings for Emaar?

    Emaar’s Credit rating is provided by the top 3 rating agencies of the world S&P, Moody’s and Fitch.

  2. What is Emaar's credit ratings?

    S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch upgraded Emaar’s Credit Ratings in Q2-2023 to BBB, Baa2 and BBB, respectively, with a stable outlook. Please refer to Emaar’s Investor Relation webpage on its website,, for more details.

  1. Who is on Emaar Properties PJSC Board of Directors?

    “Emaar Properties PJSC’s Board of Directors includes the following:

    Mr. Jamal Bin Theniyah (Chairman)
    Mr. Ahmed Jawa (Vice Chairman)
    Mr. Mohamed Ali Alabbar (Managing Director)
    Mr. Ahmad Al Matrooshi (Executive Director)
    Mr. Jassim Al Ali (Director)
    H.E. Eng. Sultan Al Mansoori (Director)
    Mr. Helal Al Marri (Director)
    Mr. Buti Al Mulla (Director)
    Ms. Eman Abdulrazzaq (Director)

    For further details, please refer to Emaar’s Integrated Report, available on Emaar’s Investor Relation webpage at”

  2. Does Emaar Properties PJSC have a corporate governance policy?

    Yes, Emaar has robust corporate governance policies. Please refer to Emaar’s Integrated Report available on Emaar’s Investor Relation webpage at

  3. Who are the Principal Officers of Emaar Properties PJSC

    Please refer to the “About Us” webpage on Emaar’s website

  4. What is the compensation or remuneration of the board members and principal officers?

    Please refer to Emaar’s Corporate Governance Report section of Emaar’s Integrated Report available on its Investor Relation webpage at

  1. Where can I find Emaar's sustainability report?

    Emaar’s sustainability report for the year 2021 onwards is included in the annual integrated report. For more information on sustainability and the latest initiatives, please refer to the Sustainability section on Emaar’s Investor Relations website.

  2. What is Emaar's ESG Rating?

    As of February 2023, Emaar Properties PJSC’s MSCI ESG rating is “BB”. Emaar’s ESG ratings have consistently improved since 2020.

  1. What is the general business of Emaar development PJSC?

    Emaar Development PJSC is a global property developer and provider of premium lifestyles, with a significant presence in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. Emaar has a land bank of 1.7 billion sq. ft. in the UAE and key International markets. The principal activities of the Emaar Group are property investment, development and development management, shopping malls and retail, entertainment, hospitality, property management and utility services and investments in providers of financial services.