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Management Approach

We strongly believe that maintaining high corporate governance standards is essential in creating sustainable shareholder value with commitments to meet the expectations of customers, and other stakeholders.

We are dedicated to conducting our business responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The governance framework ensures that our operations are accountable and transparent.


Emaar's financial and legal teams monitor current legislation and proposed changes in all jurisdictions where our business units operate, incorporating them into practise as necessary with the assistance of leading external experts.


Our directors engage in communication with stakeholders’ CSR teams to better understand their approach to governance and sustainability.


The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board in monitoring the integrity of the Group's financial statements; it also evaluates the effectiveness of the Group's internal control and risk management systems.


In our approach to human resource development, we aim to attract and retain the very best professionals by providing an inclusive, fair and enabling working environment.